Wednesday, June 17, 2009

SO much fun!

Since Steve and I are spending more time at home now that we have our house, that means Patrick and Eva are coming over more to play with or help us. Here are a few pictures of our good times. (Can you tell I just downloaded pictures tonight?)

They were being so sweet!

Eva was hangin with the monkeys

P is just like his mama...Gotta have the Humm Dingers!

Uncle Steve built P a fort. He LOVED it!

Look at me go!

As I just promised in the previous post, here are some pics of us moving in. I got busy moving and unpacking and didn't take very many, but here ya go!

This stairwell proved to be difficult

Getting our bedroom set upstairs was "interesting"

Dad definitely didn't want me taking his picture

YAY! Look at my guys go!

Even Patrick got in on the action!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The "before" pictures

A few of you asked for pictures of the house we bought in May. Since it is the reason I haven't posted in a while, I figured I would get on that.

We didn't really have to do anything to move in, but there are still a few small projects on the list for inside and a couple of larger projects slated for the outside of the house. We do have one big project in the back room we want to accomplish, but that won't happen for another year or so.

We should be getting the last chair this week and that will complete the furniture buying for this phase.

Here are the "before the move" pictures of the house. I will post the "during the move" pictures soon and then I will take and post some "after the move pics in the next few days, or let's be realistic, weeks.

1821 Evergreen Ave; Alton, IL 62002

The view as you walk in

The living room is to the right just inside the door

More of the living room

The dining room is directly across from...
The kitchen!

The family room is an addition at the back of the house

It is "L" shaped and GIANT!

The upstairs bathroom

Our bedroom
The guest room

A second view of the guest room.